Empower your business

with cutting edge AI chatbot

Instant trainability,

Zero code and integration.

Train and build an AI chatbot instantly.
White-label, and embed on your website.

No Credit Card Required.

Trusted by over 50,000 businesses

Live Demo

Build an AI chatbot in minutes.

Train the AI, white-label, and embed on your website.

Create AI chatbots for your favourite messaging platforms and websites


Custom and fast integrations on demand


Multilingual Support

Ability to understand and communicate in multiple languages, expanding the reach of the businesses using it.

Contextual Understanding

The chatbot can keep track of conversation context, ensuring more human-like interactions.

Continuous Learning

The chatbot adapts and improves over time based on user interactions.


Businesses can personalize the bot’s responses, tone, and persona to match their brand.

And More

Omni-channel Deployment

Integration with various platforms like websites, mobile apps, and more.

Advanced Analytics

Insights into customer interactions, frequent queries, customer sentiment, and more, aiding in business decisions.

Seamless Integration

Easy integration with CRM, ERP, and other essential business systems for real-time data access.

Security and Compliance

Ensuring data privacy, encryption, and adherence to global compliance standards.

Fallback Mechanism

In case the AI doesn’t have an answer, there’s a seamless handoff to other channels, ensuring no customer query goes unanswered.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Ability to understand and process natural language, ensuring a smooth user experience.


The system can handle a large number of users concurrently, ideal for businesses of all sizes.

Voice Recognition

The AI can understand voice commands, enabling voice-based customer service.

Task Automation

Can perform tasks like booking appointments, processing orders, or sending reminders automatically.

Interactive Media

Supports rich media interactions like sending images, videos, and documents to make conversations more engaging

Feedback Loop

Users can provide feedback on bot responses, which can be used to further refine the AI.

Templated Responses

A library of pre-set responses for frequently asked questions to ensure consistency.

Cost Savings

Demonstrating potential savings over traditional customer service channels.

24/7 Availability

The bot is always available, ensuring that customer queries can be addressed at any time.

Version Control

Ability to roll back to previous versions or settings, ensuring businesses can test and modify the bot without risks.

Frequently Asked Questions

You will find answers to some of the most common questions our customers have. If you don’t see your question answered here, please feel free to contact us.

FlashAI is an advanced AI solution that lets you make your own smart chatbots using your data. You can upload files, pictures, videos, or even share a website link with FlashAI, and it’ll create chatbots that can give you detailed information about your data.

At FlashAI, your data’s safety is our top concern. We save everything on safe servers that are encrypted.

Flash AI can understand and generate content in supports over 100 languages and is welcoming to everyone. It can understand questions even if they’re in a different language and reply correctly. Using Flash AI, your website will be a chat spot for visitors from all over the world.

You have the flexibility to upload multiple file types, paste text, insert a URL or use videos and images to create a unique chatbot that’s instantly trained. 

Add FlashAI to your application as a bubble on the website or use our custom plugin if your application is on wordpress.

Yes, you can give the bot a name, add personality traits